Double Doodles: Sketching Animation in Immersive Environment With 3+ 6 DOFs Motion Gestures
Published in Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2023
We present “Double Doodles’’ to make full use of two sequential inputs of a VR controller with 9 DOFs in total, 3 DOFs of the first input sequence for the generation of motion paths and 6 DOFs of the second input sequence for motion gestures. While engineering our system, we take ergonomics into consideration and design a set of user-defined motion gestures to describe character motions. We employ a real-time deep learning-based approach for highly accurate motion gesture classification. We then integrate our approach into a prototype system, and it allows users to directly create character animations in VR environments using motion gestures with a VR controller, followed by animation preview and animation interactive editing. Finally, we evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of our system through a user study, demonstrating the usefulness of our system for visual storytelling dedicated to amateurs, as well as for providing fast drafting tools for artists.
Recommended citation: Chen, R., Pan, Y., Deng, Z., Wang, L., & Ma, L. (2023, October). Double Doodles: Sketching Animation in Immersive Environment With 3+ 6 DOFs Motion Gestures. In Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia (pp. 6998-7006).
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